Manzanillo Sun March 2010 cover

June 2010

In this issue: General Interest Calendar of Events June Death be Allowed Part I – Annie Sterling Book Review – Three Cups of Tea – Diana Stevens Humor We’ve All Met ‘Em – Tommy Clarkson Twisted Way of Talking – Tommy Clarkson Living in Manzanillo The Streets of Manzanillo – Hidalgo – Terry Sovil Pemex […]

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Manzanillo Sun February 2010 cover

May 2010

In this issue: Living in Mexico Day Tripping Playa D’Oro – Jim Evans Disaster Preparation – Freda Rumford Earthquakes- Carey Linid Revillagigedo Islands, Colima – Terry Sovil In the News – Cell Phones Nature Perennial Pirates – Frigate Birds – Howard Platt Planting Roots in Mexico – Oyster Plant – Tommy Clarkson The Uniqueness that […]

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Manzanillo Sun article

We All have Met ‘Em

By Tommy Clarkson from the May 2010 Edition (The following is a slightly embellished and bit fictionalized account of an almost real event!) It may be a brother-in-law, next door neighbor or that particularly irritating high school, bellicose bully who has badly gone to seed.You know the kind those guys (and occasionally women) who, no […]

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Jolanda Hendriksen

By Tommy Clarkson from the April 2010 Edition NORTH OF HERE IN LA MANZANILLA approximately 70 minutes of enjoyable driving live and work a most intriguing and adventurous pair. They are the Dutch couple of Leon Landsheer and Jolanda Hendriksen. (In the Netherlands married people may keep their original names.) To say that they are […]

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