Manzanillo Sun July 2012 cover

December 2014

  In this issue: Nature Planting Roots in Mexico – Blue Agave – Tommy Clarkson Asparagus Fern – Tommy Clarkson Living in Mexico Cafe Review – Restaurante Las Abejas – Suzanne A. Marshall It’s all so good! – Suzanne A. Marshall Letters to the Editor -RVing Travel Part I – Terry Sovil Thanksgiving Turkey – […]

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Manzanillo Sun July 2012 cover

November 2014

  In this issue: Nature Old Man Palm – Tommy Clarkson Oyster Plant – Tommy Clarkson General Interest Books vs Electronic Books – Freda Vickery At the Movies – Philomena – The Killing – Suzanne A. Marshall Money – Understanding returns – Yann Kostic Living in Manzanillo Mark’s Letter – Mark Wright Get off your […]

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I Planted Roots in Mexico – Oyster Plant

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the November 2014 Edition Tradescantia spathacea or pallida ‘Purpea’, Rhoea spathacea, or Rhoea discolor Family: Commelinaceae (Also known as Moses-in-the-Boat, Moses-in-the-Cradle, Moses-inthe-Basket, Moses-in-the-Bulrushes, Boatlily and the ever popular  Purple Leafed Spiderwort.) (This plant should not be confused with Acanthus molli, or Acanthus spinosus – Bear’s Breeches or the Scolymus hispanicus Spanish Oyster […]

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Manzanillo Sun July 2012 cover

October 2014

In this issue: Entertainment At the Movies – November Man – Suzanne A. Marshall Foyles War – Suzanne A. Marshall Musings of a ‘Magazinaholic!’ – Suzanne A. Marshall Living in Manzanillo Sun Announcement Snowbirds – Suzanne A. Marshall Mujeres Amigas Newsletter – Elaine Parker So what do I pack? – Freda Vickery Nature Mexican Fan […]

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Butterfly Palm- I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the September 2014 Edition Butterfly Palm, Dypsis lutescens (Some call it Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) Family: Arecea (Also known as Yellow Butterfly Palm, Yellow Palm, Golden Butterfly, Cane Palm, Golden Cane Palm, Golden Yellow Palm, Golden Feather Palm, Madagascar Palm, and Yellow Bamboo Palm.) Because it is so ubiquitous throughout the tropics and sub-tropics, […]

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