Downy Thorn Apple-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the July 2017 Edition Downy Thorn Apple Datura fastuosa Family: Solanaceae Also known as: Horn of Plenty, Thorn Apple, Metel Thorn Apple, Angel’s Trumpet or Hindu Datura The Datura genus comprised of both annual and perennial herbs and shrubs – has between eight to ten varieties that are all called by […]

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Begonia Deliciosa-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the July 2017 Edition Begonia Deliciosa Begonia deliciosa Family: Begoniaceae Also known as: No other names, common or botanical (Why do I seem to have this perverse proclivity to find, admire, acquire and then endeavor to grow plants – like this one – about which there is scant, published information? But, […]

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African Spear-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the June 2017 Edition African Spear Sansevieria cylindrica Family: Asparagaceae Also known as: Cylindrical Snake Plant, Spear Sansevieria, Elephant’s Toothpick, Bow String Hemp or Skyline Spear San- sevieria The evergreen perennial succulents of the Sansevierias come in several forms and are capable of surviving for generations. Many call them Snake Plants […]

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Beefsteak Plant-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the June 2017 Edition Beefsteak Plant Acalypha wilkesiana Family: Euphorbiaceae Also known as: Joseph’s Coat, Copper Leaf, Copper Plant or Match-Me-If-You-Can Fijian Fire Plant, Fire Dragon Plant or Redleaf (This seems to be a family of interesting names. Its close kin is the Chenille Plant – or Red Hot Cat’s Tail […]

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Cuban Oregano-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the May 2017 Edition Cuban Oregano, Plectranthus amboinicus Family: Lamiaceae Also known as: Mexican Mint, Spanish Thyme, French Oregano and Indian Borage Not native to Cuba, Cuban Oregano was probably introduced to the Caribbean folks via Haiti during the late 1800s French colonial period. Originating in India, the leaves of this […]

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Princess Flower-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the April 2017 Edition Princess Flower, Tibouchina urvilleana Family: Melastomataceae  Also known as: Glory Bush, Glory Flower or Lasiandra Ok, you’re correct. I should have recognized this Brazilian as a Princess Flower when I acquired it. But I didn’t. (So beat me with a healthy handful of Heliconias!) Hence, with a […]

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Persian Shield-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the March 2017 Edition Persian Shield, Strobilanthes dyerianus Family: Acanthaceae Also known as: Purple Strobilanthes or Burmuda Conehead All originating in Asia, the Strobilanthes genus consists of around 250 different species of perennial herbs and subshrubs obviously, small to medium-sized shrubs. The genus name comes from the Greek words strobilos (cone) […]

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American Oil Palm-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the March 2017 Edition American Oil Palm, Elaeis oleifera Family: Arecaseae (At the sake of presumption, I respectfully state that I take exception with some of my secondary research sources! Some of these speak of the Elaeis oleifera as synonymous with the Corzo oleifera, describing it as a “solitary creeping trunk” […]

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Zombie Palm-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the February 2017 Edition Zombie Palm, Zygocactus truncate Family: Cactaceae Also known as: Latayne Palm, Latayne Zombie or Guanito Native to Hispaniola, where it grows in sparse scrub at low elevations on dry hills, this interesting – and somewhat different looking species is closely related to Coccothrinax and Thrinax palms. A […]

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