Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the February 2013 Edition “Alphabetizing Favorites” Do you have a lot of favorites (bookmarks etc) in your Internet browser? I sure do and they can become quite a mess, looking through it all every time you want to go to that favorite site again. A really good way to remedy that […]

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Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the October 2012 Edition Underlining with a Little ‘Zing’ in MS Word When you’re creating a document in Word and wished there was something with a little more zing than the typical ‘bold, italic or underlining’ to jazz things up a bit, what is there to do? I use Word for […]

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Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the August 2012 Edition “CONFIGURE YOUR MOUSE POINTER TO SAVE TIME & MOVEMENT” Today I’m going to show you how you can configure your mouse pointer to automatically move to the default button in a dialog box. For example, if you’re saving a bunch of files, you can just click the […]

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Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the July 2012 Edition RESIZE AN IMAGE FOR THE WEB In this day and age, most of us use the internet; some only for email, but others also use any number of the social networks available (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc). Many of us also like to add photos to our email, […]

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Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the June 2012 Edition This is for all of you that don’t know how to save (and wish you could) that cool picture you saw on the Internet. Next time you are on the Internet and see that great picture right-click your mouse on the picture and a box will appear […]

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Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the April 2012 Edition Have you ever noticed that when you use the internet on any secured website, it has ‘https’ in the web address bar? You should see it when you do online banking, sites where you might purchase something, etc… if not, don’t do business with that website because […]

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Manzanillo Sun article

Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the February 2012 Edition MAKE WINDOWS EXPLORER OPEN IN THE LOCATION YOU WANT Do you use Win 7? You know how when you go to save something or look for something, how the Windows Explorer window opens up in Libraries? I don’t know about you, but I like mine to open […]

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