Ode To April

By Kirby Vickery from the March 2012 Edition The month of April finds us looking forward to the springing of spring in most geographic areas. For example in Arizona they have already had their ‘springing’ and would like the seasonal changes to stop right where they are. Their next step into spring will be summer […]

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Manzanillo Sun March 2011 cover

March 2012

In this issue: Calendar of Events March – Glenna Palidwor Fish Life in Manzanillo –  Terry Sovil Another Way South – BAJA – Ian Rumford Real Mexico 3- Terry Sovil Make Lemon – Aid – Freda Rumford New Businesses – Ian Rumford Real Mexico Part 2 – Terry Sovil Manzanillo still an Eden – Freda […]

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Manzanillo Sun February 2011 cover

January 2012

In this issue: General Interest Kirby’s Astrology – Kirby Vickery Health Health – Living Healthy in an Unhealthy World – Karen Trom Share the Care – Freda Rumford Living in Manzanillo Calendar of Events January 2012 Port of Manzanillo attracting more Commerce – Cesar Hernandez Colima Cars Set for Cheaper Tolls – Freda Rumford Living […]

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