Rail Transport in Mexico

By  Path to Citizenship on the June 2019 Edition Mexico has a freight railway system owned by the national government and operated by various entities under concessions (charters) granted by the national government. The railway system provides freight and passenger service throughout the country (the majority of the service is freight-oriented), connecting major industrial centers with […]

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Manzanillo Sun

Try These Three Tips for Retiring with Minimal or No Debt

By Yann Kostic on the May 2019 Edition Ideally, we would all retire debt-free, but we are a nation of borrowers. As of December 2016, the average American household debt totals more than $135,000, according to a Nerd Wallet credit card debt study. Credit card debt for the average household carrying a balance totals more than […]

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Red Latan-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson on the May 2019 Edition Red Latan        Latania lontaroides Family                 Arecaceae Also known as   Latanier (I feel in the smallest of childish, self-satisfied ways a bit vindicated from my sometimes emergent feelings of botanical inadequacy! You see, my specimen of Latania lontaroides is but a small though beautiful and healthy -youngster palm. […]

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Chile Petin-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson on the May 2019 Edition Chile Petin            Capsicum annuum Family                    Solanaceae Also known as    Chile Piquin, Bird Pepper, Turkey Pepper or Cayenne Peppe Often asked of me is “OK Tommy, how hot are these to eat?” Endeavoring to keep it all in perspective on the Scoville scale […]

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