Niños Héroes

By Terry Sovil from the May 2010 Edition On your next trip into Centro take note that the street “Miguel de la Madrid” turns into a street named “Niños Héroes” near San Pedrito. This name is often used on streets, squares or schools throughout Mexico as well as once appearing on an MXP 5000 banknote […]

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Day Trippin’ Playa de Oro

By Jim Evans from the May 2010 Edition The old Mexican sat in the dimly lit bar sucking down Pacificos with his equally elderly Gringo buddy. They spoke of many things, mostly of bygone adventures and beautiful women. Occasionally politics reared its ugly fangs, but both men held too much respect for the other to […]

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Revillagigedo Islands

 By Terry Sovil from the May 2010 Edition The Revillagigedo (rāvē’yähēhā’THō) Islands, also known as “Revillagigedo Archipelago” or “Islas Revillagigedo”, are four volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean with a very unique ecosystem. Oddly, though far away, they have been a part of the Manzanillo municipality since 1861! They lie about 386 km (240 miles) […]

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Manzanillo Sun February 2010 cover

May 2010

In this issue: Living in Mexico Day Tripping Playa D’Oro – Jim Evans Disaster Preparation – Freda Rumford Earthquakes- Carey Linid Revillagigedo Islands, Colima – Terry Sovil In the News – Cell Phones Nature Perennial Pirates – Frigate Birds – Howard Platt Planting Roots in Mexico – Oyster Plant – Tommy Clarkson The Uniqueness that […]

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