Manzanillo Sun article

We all have met ‘em. . .

By Tommy Clarkson from the May 2014 Edition The following is sixteenth installment of a slightly embellished and “bit fictionalized” account of an almost real event! by Tommy Clarkson (Most everyone can relate as we all have met or are well aware of this sort of individual. He is the guy who knows and has purportedly done […]

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Cinco de Mayo

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the May 2014 Edition “That’s Mexico’s national day of Independence. Right?” Well, no it isn’t really. That date is actually on the 16th of September and is called “Grito de Dolores” (“Shout of Dolores”). There’s another wonderful story about that holiday which actually starts on the 15th of April. “Well if it’s […]

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Manzanillo Sun

Cinco de Mayo

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the May 2014 Edition “That’s Mexico’s national day of Independence. Right?” Well, no it isn’t really. That date is actually on the 16th of September and is called “Grito de Dolores” (“Shout of Dolores”). There’s another wonderful story about that holiday which actually starts on the 15th of April. “Well if it’s […]

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Ode to April

By Manzanillo Sun Writer  from the April 2014 Edition The month of April finds us looking forward to the springing of spring in most geographic areas. For example in Arizona they have already had their ‘springing’ and would like the seasonal changes to stop right where they are. Their next step into spring will be summer for […]

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Manzanillo Sun

Speak to Me!

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the April 2014 Edition Have you ever considered the intimidation of being in another country with a different language and not understanding what on earth people are saying to you? How their body language seems to change and how people think if they speak a little louder or even shout, you will […]

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