IMPORTS: You, Your Family, Your Car, Your RV and the Baby’s Hemi-Powered Tricyle

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the November 2014 Edition  Personally, if you’re bringing an RV, regardless of class, into Mexico, then you have to be a little braver than most. I would recommend some long-term planning, correspondence, and reservations before you leave and while on the trip make sure your stops are within easy travel range from […]

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By Suzanne A. Marshall from the October 2014 Edition When our famous Canadian singer Anne Murray sings our ‘Namesake song’ it isn’t hard to see why so many people call many Canadians ‘Snowbirds.’ “Spread your tiny wings and fly away And take the snow back with you Where it came from on that day.” Our Mexican friends […]

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Manzanillo Sun article


By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the October 2014 Edition The Manzanillo Sun has continually shown interest in our host country and assisting those people both travelling and living in it in order to have the best and most enjoyable time during their visit however long that may be. The local people are, for the most part, gracious, […]

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By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the September 2014 Edition How different a Day Can Be? With my mind very freshly attuned to weddings and my new daughter’s suggestion that I write on the topic, I have been contemplating the extreme differences between weddings north, south and east of the Mexican border. Initially I was introduced […]

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