Making Life in Manzanillo Better for Thousands of Animals and the Community

By Suzanne A. Marshall from the October 2017 Edition Almost ten years ago, my husband and I were searching for property in what is now our home in Manzanillo. I can still re-member seeing a terribly emaciated dog one day, curled up on the ground in front of one of the doorways. I wondered how […]

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Manzanillo Sun eMagazine

Try These Three Tips for Retiring with Minimal or No Debt

By Yann Kostic and Tom Zachystal from the October 2017 Edition Ideally, we would all retire debt-free, but we are a nation of borrowers. As of December 2016, the average American household debt totals more than $135,000, according to a Nerd Wallet credit-card debt study. Credit card debt for the average household carrying a balance totals […]

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Dendrobium Orchids-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the October 2017 Edition The orchid genus is the second largest family of all the world’s flowering plants. It has between 22,000 and 27,000 currently accepted species, in 880 genera – not counting more than 50,000 registered hybrids! The Dendrobium varieties, alone, have somewhere around 1,500 species in their genus. To be […]

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Facebook privacy demystified (part seven) is back!

By Señior Tech from the September 2017 Edition Last month I wrote that was having difficulties. Whatever their issues, they have returned to debunking rumours. Go to if you see a claim and wish to know whether it is real or a hoax. For example, a few nights ago, I received a message on […]

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