Hybrid Glory Bower Vine-I Planted Roots in Mexico

   By Tommy Clarkson from the December 2018 Edition                 Hybrid Glory Bower Vine Clerodendrum x speciosum  Family: Lamiaceae  Also known as: Clerodendrom Vine  (Before we go one word further, if you’ve read and remember what I wrote about the Bleeding Heart (Clerodendrom thomsoniae) in volume I of this series, you already know over 90% […]

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Firecracker Plant-I Planted Roots in Mexico

   By Tommy Clarkson from the November 2018 Edition Firecracker Plant, Crossandra infundibuliformis  Family: Acanthaceae                                                                                                                                 Also known as: Firecracker Flower or Crossandra  With a genus name sounding like some cranky lady, this beauty is far from that! In fact, thriving in a tallish pot, here in Ola Brisa Gardens, to the right of the […]

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Mexican Blue Bells-I Planted Roots in Mexico

   By Tommy Clarkson from the November 2018 Edition Mexican Blue Bells Ruellia Tweediana  Family: Acanthus, also known as: Spanish Ladies, Desert Petunia, Florida Bluebells or Mexican Petunia  I’ve healthy specimens of all three of this species’ primary colors blue -violet, pink and white gloriously thriving right inside our wrought-iron entryway. Because of their location, […]

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Blue Agave-I Planted Roots in Mexico

   By Tommy Clarkson from the October 2018 Edition Blue Agave, Agave tequilana Family: AgavoideaeAlso known as: Tequila Agave The Greek word for these interesting succulents is agauos, meaning “of kings and heroes, illustrious, hence noble” and, good full-time residents of Mexico that we are, we’ll drink to that! (Have you ever had one of My […]

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