Sunburned Gringo Tree- I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson on the December 2019 Edition Family Burseraceae Also known as Paper Bark Tree, Gumbo-Limbo Tree, Naked Indian, Copperwood, Turpentine Tree, Mulatto Stick, West Indian Birch or Tourist Tree Within the greater family as a whole, there are some 600 species in 15 genera, including species that yield frankincense and myrrh. (I guess […]

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Remembering Dick Oberman – and Raising the Roof

By John Chalmers on the November 2019 Edition Young people of the Manzanillo area have lost a valued supporter with the passing of Dick Oberman. His generosity for the work of Casa Hogar Los Angelitos (CHLA) and the construction of the Centro de las Artes Los Angelitos (CALA) is remembered in a new fundraising campaign that […]

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Calavera – Día de los Muertos

By Path to Citizenship Series on the November 2019 Edition In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Jose Guadalupe Posada began creating engraving and etchings to illustrate the newspapers of the day called broadsheets. His prints of skeletons doing everyday jobs are still called Calaveras today. Posada was the first to sketch the skeletons wearing […]

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Mesoamerican Witchcraft – Spooks and Goblin

By Kirby Vickery on the November 2019 Edition To use the word, ‘witchcraft’ with any of the Mesoamerican cultures could almost be called a misnomer. Witchcraft, by its nature and conceptual origins, is purely Old World. The meaning of the word is so broad-based that to try to fit it into a single category of Mesoamerican […]

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EIight Myths Regarding Spaying and Neutering

By Friends of Mexican Animal Welfare on the November 2019 Edition When it comes to spaying and neutering (fixing), misunderstandings abound. This is particularly true to the Mexican culture. Owners worry that ‘fixing’ their pet may cause undesirable side-effects. Nothing could be further from the truth! Here are a few of the most common misconceptions…. My female […]

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