Curcuma Phaeocaulis-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the July 2016 Edition Family: Zingiberaceae Also known as: None The genus Curcuma consists of between ten to one hundred different species (professional opinions, obviously, widely vary) in the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) which also contains the Tumeric plant (Curcuma longa). All originated in south to southeast Asia. Now, not to get […]

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Miraguama Palm-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the June 2016 Edition Family: Arecacea Also known as: Miraguama Thatch Palm or Wiry Miraguama Palm When I first saw this attractive, solitary-trunked species in a vivero about an hour from Ola Brisa Gardens  it was labeled as a “Caribe Palm”. However, none of my books, reference materials, or internet sources called […]

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Cochineal Cactus-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the June 2016 Edition Family: Cacataceae Also known as: Cochineal Nopal Cactus, Nopal Cactus, Velvet Opuntia, Wooly Joint or Prickly Pear Growing originally in Mexico and Central America, early on it was called Opuntia cochinellifera but now the botanical community has bestowed its own genus name. It can grow to 12 […]

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P2C -Path to Citizenship – Quetzalcóatl – Meso-American God

By Manzanillo Sun Writer From the June 2016 Edition Alternative titles: Ce Acatl; Ehécatl; Feathered Serpent; Kukulcán; One Reed Quetzalcóatl, Mayan name Kukulcán, (from Nahuatl quetzalli, “tail feather of the quetzal bird [Pharomachrus mocinno],” and coatl, “snake”), the Feathered Serpent, one of the major deities of the ancient Mexican pantheon. Representations of a feathered snake […]

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At The Movies – The Magic of Belle Isle

By Suzanne A. Marshall from the June 2016 Edition Starring: Morgan Freeman, Virginia Madsen Director: Rob Reiner “Monty Wildhorn, an alcoholic novelist of Westerns, has lost his drive. His nephew pushes him to summer in quiet Belle Isle. He begrudgingly befriends a newly single mom and her 3 girls who help him find the inspiration […]

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