
By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the December 2016 Edition Aztlán (from Nahuatl: Aztl n, [ ast ɬa ː n ]) is the legendary ancestral home of the Aztec peoples. Aztecah is the Nahuatl word for “people from Aztlán”. The place, Aztlán, is mentioned in several ethnohistorical sources dating from the colonial period and each of […]

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Manzanillo Sun

Sopa Tarasca

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the December 2016 Edition Ingredients  1 medium tomato, roughly chopped  1 small white onion, thinly sliced  1 garlic clove, chopped  4 ancho chiles, stems and seeds removed  7 corn tortillas  4 tablespoons safflower or canola oil (plus more for frying)  5 cups chicken […]

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Volcanoes / Volcanes

By Terry Sovil  from the December 2016 Edition A volcano (singular, volcanoes plural; Spanish volcán or volcanes) is a mountain which opens down into the earth to a pool of molten rock. When pressure builds up, an eruption can occur, causing gas and rock to shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill […]

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