Facebook privacy demystified (part four) Set up a Group

By Señior Tech from the June 2017 Edition Another way to protect your privacy on Facebook is to set up a group. Select the down arrow from the main Facebook menu bar.  Then click “Create Group” on the drop-down menu. Groups are great for getting things done and staying in touch with just the people […]

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Beefsteak Plant-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the June 2017 Edition Beefsteak Plant Acalypha wilkesiana Family: Euphorbiaceae Also known as: Joseph’s Coat, Copper Leaf, Copper Plant or Match-Me-If-You-Can Fijian Fire Plant, Fire Dragon Plant or Redleaf (This seems to be a family of interesting names. Its close kin is the Chenille Plant – or Red Hot Cat’s Tail […]

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Facebook privacy demystified (part three) Friend me again ??

By Señior Tech from the May 2017 Edition The last few issues I have written about privacy settings in Facebook. In the past weeks, a few of my friends have posted warnings  not to friend them again. The reason, one of their friends may have friended someone who had larceny in their hearts. Once  in […]

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Unseen Enemy (CNN Feature-length Documentary 2017)

By Suzanne A. Marshall from the May 2017 Edition Starring: as themselves – Larry Brilliant, John Connor, Decontee Davis and more….. Director: Janet Tobias “Unseen Enemy is an essential exploration of reasons 21st- century populations are experiencing a rash of diseases that were once only outbreaks, but have become full-blown epidemics. This increased risk we […]

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