Facebook privacy demystified (part five) Gotcha! Games and Facebook Apps

By Señior Tech from the July 2017 Edition If you have read and followed instructions to set-up your Facebook account detailed in the previous four articles, you are ready to explore. There is, however, one other thing to inspect before your data and personal information are safe. In the Facebook universe, in addition to posting […]

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African Spear-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the June 2017 Edition African Spear Sansevieria cylindrica Family: Asparagaceae Also known as: Cylindrical Snake Plant, Spear Sansevieria, Elephant’s Toothpick, Bow String Hemp or Skyline Spear San- sevieria The evergreen perennial succulents of the Sansevierias come in several forms and are capable of surviving for generations. Many call them Snake Plants […]

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Facebook privacy demystified (part four) Set up a Group

By Señior Tech from the June 2017 Edition Another way to protect your privacy on Facebook is to set up a group. Select the down arrow from the main Facebook menu bar.  Then click “Create Group” on the drop-down menu. Groups are great for getting things done and staying in touch with just the people […]

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Facebook privacy demystified (part three) Friend me again ??

By Señior Tech from the May 2017 Edition The last few issues I have written about privacy settings in Facebook. In the past weeks, a few of my friends have posted warnings  not to friend them again. The reason, one of their friends may have friended someone who had larceny in their hearts. Once  in […]

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