Facebook privacy demystified (part six) Papaya is better than Viagra

By Señior Tech from the August 2017 Edition If you have been on Facebook for any length of time, you will eventually see a post that makes a claim that seems a bit absurd. If you click on the post, you will link to an article that will try to validate the author’s stiff assertion in […]

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Window Leaf-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the August 2017 Edition Window Leaf Monstera deliciosa Family: Araceae Also known as: Swiss Cheese Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Mexican Bread Fruit, Hurricane Plant or Five Holes Plant So dissimilar in appearance from many other plants, visitors of-ten inquire as to the function of their leaf holes. I’ve read, but cannot absolutely […]

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How to Find a Financial Advisor Who (Really) Meets Your Needs

By Yann Kostic and Tom Zachystal from the August 2017 Edition Many, if not most, investors do not have the expertise to make all their own investment decisions, and therefore would want to consider talking to a reliable financial advisor. While nothing can guarantee a financial advisor’s reliability, there are some things you can look for. […]

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Umbrella Palm-I planted roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the August 2017 Edition Umbrella Palm Cyperus involucratus Family: Cyperaceae Also known as: Umbrella Plant, Umbrella Sedge, Umbrella Papyrus, African Sedge, Dwarf Papyrus Grass, False Papyrus, Flat Sedge, Umbrella Flatsedge, Windmill Sedge or Galingale Of the some 600 herbaceous, sedge species that comprise the Cyperus family, two are rather commonly known. The […]

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Downy Thorn Apple-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the July 2017 Edition Downy Thorn Apple Datura fastuosa Family: Solanaceae Also known as: Horn of Plenty, Thorn Apple, Metel Thorn Apple, Angel’s Trumpet or Hindu Datura The Datura genus comprised of both annual and perennial herbs and shrubs – has between eight to ten varieties that are all called by […]

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Small-Cap Stocks: Are They Right for You, Right Now?

By Yann Kostic and Tom Zachystal from the July 2017 Edition Small-cap stocks appeal to some investors because of their potential for strong growth. But are you in the right position to invest in them? What are small-cap stocks? The market capitalization of a company is its stock price times the number of shares it […]

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Begonia Deliciosa-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the July 2017 Edition Begonia Deliciosa Begonia deliciosa Family: Begoniaceae Also known as: No other names, common or botanical (Why do I seem to have this perverse proclivity to find, admire, acquire and then endeavor to grow plants – like this one – about which there is scant, published information? But, […]

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