The Mexican Census

By Robert Hill from the July 2010 Edition Every 5 years the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) conducts a census of the entire Republic, with the last one being taken in 2005. One of the census takers came to my house the other day with a form to be completed for the 2010 […]

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The Port of Manzanillo

By Terry Sovil from the July 2010 Edition Part 1 Ports fascinate me. I wondered if people really understood the immense complexity and technology that goes into a modern day port. I decided information on our port may be more interesting with a foundation to build on. Next issue we’ll talk more about our own […]

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Boca Pasquales

By Jim Evans from the July 2010 Edition Just 10 Kilometers west of Tecoman at the mouth of the Pasquales river lies one of Mexico’s premier surfing spots, Boca Pasquales. Pascuales is also one of the most treacherous surfing spots in the world. Just the name , translated “ Mouth of Pasqual’s “ strikes fear […]

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Casa Talk

By Patty Clarkson from the July 2010 Edition “I sit high on a hill that both captures the beauty of a never ending display of wondrous beauty of the Pacific Ocean over which extraordinary sunsets can be seen all during the year but I also enjoy a bird’s eye view of Playa Audiencia.” “My family […]

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Sea Scouts in Manzanillo

By Terry Sovil from the July 2010 Edition The Sea Scouts have come to Manzanillo! The troop Poseidon, called a “ship”, was formally approved and launched on 20/Mar/2010 at Las Hadas Marina, Manzanillo in a beautiful ceremony. Other Scout troops from Manzanillo and around Colima attended to welcome their newest troop. Poseidon is Boy Scouts […]

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By Terry Sovil from the June 2010 Edition Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (1806-1872) The Hidalgo I know is a movie starring Viggo Mortensen about a fantastic true story of a pony express rider that takes his horse to Arabia for a race. The name is a very popular street name. Mexico City alone has […]

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