
By Terry Sovil from the September 2010 Edition There are only two tools any man needs. One is DUCT TAPE and the other is WD-40. If it moves and should not, use the duct tape. If doesn’t move, and should, use the WD-40. If neither of these works you have an electrical problem. An email […]

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Office BYTES!

By Vivian Molick from the September 2010 Edition Are you familiar with the terms ‘cut, copy and paste’? Even though I know there are a number of you that are very familiar with these words, in this age where almost everyone uses computers to some degree, there are still many who are not. Or, they […]

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Manzanillo Sun


By Robert Hill from the September 2010 Edition HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN MEXICO How Mexicans stay healthy and what does it cost them? With all the Hoopla these days about Obama-care and the hundreds of billions of dollars it will cost, I thought it may be a good time to take a look at how […]

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This ‘N That

By Vivian Molick from the August 2010 Edition Coffee is a widely consumed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds commonly called “beans” of the coffee plant. The popularity of coffee products has a universal appeal to people of different income levels, ethnicities, and religions. While many of us enjoy it each morning, we know very […]

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