
By David Fitzpatrick from the October 2010 Edition The last Emperor of the Aztecs There is relatively little information available concerning the last Aztec Emperor, and what particulars there are appear sketchy and contradictory. Most of the sources that have come down to us had agendas of their own to forward: the Aztecs saw him first […]

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The Streets of Manzanillo

By Terry Sovil  from the September 2010 Edition Emiliano Zapata Salazar 1879-1919 • Born: 8 August 1879 • Birthplace: Anenecuilco, Morelos, Mexico • Died: 10 April 1919, age 39 (assassination) • Place of Death: Chinameca, Morelos, Mexico • Best Known As: Peasant hero of the Mexican Revolution • Famous Quote: “Better to die on one’s […]

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