This ‘N’ That

By Vivian Molick from the November 2010 Edition “What is the meaning of life? All evidence to date suggests it’s chocolate.” ~Author Unknown There is something so special about chocolate that the average person in the United States eats 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of it every year! Chocolate has its beginning with a tree called […]

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Speak Nautical?

By Terry Sovil from the November 2010 Edition Do you Bet you do! headway ? This means the ship is moving. Making means forward movement and make way ad way means backing up. So if you are sternway you are making forward progress on that big making project. You are also probably or perhaps even […]

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The Party Bird!

By Howard Platt from the October 2010 Edition GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE – (QUISCALUS MEXICANUS) If you think the West Coast of Mexico is a good place to come for a party, you are joining the experts! Think evening, a busy warm day finally coming to a relaxing close. Except that the trees in the boulevard are […]

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