Leave Home Without It

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the March 2014 Edition This month I had some interesting events occur on the internet. First I tried to pay our impuesto predial (property taxes on our Manzanillo Condo) online at http://www.manzanillo.gob.mx. I put in all the information from the assessment sheet and sure enough, there was my condo and taxes owing. […]

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Manzanillo Sun

January 2014 Calendar of Events Manzanillo

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the January 2014 Edition January 31 – Friday CASA HOGAR LOS ANGELITOS FUNDRAISER 2014 “Changing Lives, One Child at a Time” Where: Pavilion at the fairgrounds Time: 5:30 pm – Silent Auction 7:00 pm – Dinner Cost: $45.00 USD Contacts:Marge Tyler maggiet19@earthlink.net JaniceMorgan janicebmorgan@comcast.net Jan Mabey janmabey@hotmail.com – Silent Auction Liz […]

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Manzanillo Sun

This ‘N’ That

By Vivian Molick from the January 2014 Edition “Pass the Buck” Do you ever wonder where or how these types of phrases originated? I do, so I to check it out. Today the meaning has come to mean “trying to avoid blame or responsibility by passing it on to someone else”. But, of course, that is not […]

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Manzanillo Sun

Moto trip

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the December 2013 Edition I’m Stan Wood. My wife, Marguerite and I are a pair fifty eight year old Canadians from Vancouver Island in Canada who love to tour on motorcycles and all terrain bikes. We have two children in their thirties. Both of whom have young families of their own. […]

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