Tropical Almond Tree

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the February 2014 Edition Terminalia catappa Family: Combretum Also known as: Sea Almond, Indian Almond, Malabar Almond, Barbados Almond, Bastard Almond, Bengal Almond, Country Almond, Demarara Almond, Fijian Almond and False Kamani. Originally from Madagascar, Malaysia and the East Indies, the Tropical Almond Tree is now ubiquitous throughout the world’s tropics. Some […]

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Manzanillo Sun article

Fire Flash- I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the February 2014 Edition Chlorophytum amaniense or Chlorophytum orchidantheroides, C. orchidastrum, C. filipendulum amaniense Chlorophytum orchidastrum, Chlorophytum filipendulum, Family: Anthericaceae, Liliaceae or Agavaceae (Also known as a Mandarin Plant, Fire Glory, Orange Spider Plant, Green Orange Tangerine and Sierra Leone Lily.) Introduced to the Americas not much more than a decade ago, this perennial […]

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Manzanillo Sun

January 2014 Calendar of Events Manzanillo

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the January 2014 Edition January 31 – Friday CASA HOGAR LOS ANGELITOS FUNDRAISER 2014 “Changing Lives, One Child at a Time” Where: Pavilion at the fairgrounds Time: 5:30 pm – Silent Auction 7:00 pm – Dinner Cost: $45.00 USD Contacts:Marge Tyler JaniceMorgan Jan Mabey – Silent Auction Liz […]

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