Tacos Don Julio

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the April 2015 Edition We spend our winter months in Manzanillo, Mexico. So a good neighbourhood restaurant is mandatory. The first few years we walked by this restaurant that featured a huge grill open to the street near the Soriana Mall in Salagua. The faces inside were all locals, and the restaurant […]

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Aztec Mythology

By Kirby Vickery from the April 2015 Edition I believe that Aztec mythology would be easier understood by modern people if we could get our minds wrapped around the concept that sacrifice and bloodletting were paramount in Aztec culture and that those killed for religious reasons were not looked upon as victims of anything but during their […]

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By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the March 2015 Edition World population has doubled since 1970, exceeding 7 billion. How will we feed everyone? Despite high prices, demand for seafood is growing. USA consumption tops 5 billion pounds (2,267,961,850 kg) annually. Less than 10% of that comes from USA waters according to the NOAA; 90% comes from the […]

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It’s All So Fishy!

By Suzanne A. Marshall from the March 2015 Edition This is our eighth winter along the shores of Playa Azul (or Playa Salahua) in Manzanillo and I haven’t tired of sitting on our ocean view terrace. Somehow it’s always different though consistently the same. I know that probably doesn’t make sense but the changes are usually subtle […]

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