April Humour

By Sun Reporter from the April 2012 Edition In Manzanillo, Colima-the Secretary of Tourism for the Government of the State, Fernando Morán, , confirmed that for the coming holiday period of Holy week and Easter, one of the most important calendar, there will be more than 80 lifeguards to guard the beaches of the three […]

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Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the April 2012 Edition Have you ever noticed that when you use the internet on any secured website, it has ‘https’ in the web address bar? You should see it when you do online banking, sites where you might purchase something, etc… if not, don’t do business with that website because […]

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Real Mexico

By Terry Sovil from the April 2012 Edition This article addresses more facts about the Real Mexico; a great place to live, work and visit. The focus of this article is on Agriculture and Food Industry and the Medical Industry. The benefits to Mexico and people that live and visit here is the growth of […]

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Ode To April

By Kirby Vickery from the March 2012 Edition The month of April finds us looking forward to the springing of spring in most geographic areas. For example in Arizona they have already had their ‘springing’ and would like the seasonal changes to stop right where they are. Their next step into spring will be summer […]

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