Manzanillo Sun

Fitness and Health

By Karen Trom from the July 2012 Edition My company recently offered free health assessments for all of our associates and their spouses. This is the second year we have done it and it is always eye opening and a bit scary. The assessment includes measuring height, weight, waist and wrist measurements for figuring body […]

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Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the June 2012 Edition This is for all of you that don’t know how to save (and wish you could) that cool picture you saw on the Internet. Next time you are on the Internet and see that great picture right-click your mouse on the picture and a box will appear […]

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Manzanillo Sun

They see me!

By Cheryl Weaver from the June 2012 Edition “You’re out and about by yourself, enjoying a few frivolous moments, with only one significant thing to accomplish but it’s a doozey and it HAS to get done today. You’ve worked hard for 9 days straight to finish up this little project and it is s-o-o nice […]

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