Saluting Those Who Care

By Tommy Clarkson  from the April 2014 Edition We – that would be Patty and me of Ola Brisa Gardens deeply love and greatly appreciate Manzanillo, its people and all which comprises it. Accordingly, each year we join others in striving to show our gratitude to the community by our involvement with organized “causes of consequence”. Thus, […]

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Mexican Milkweed- I Planted Roots on Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the April 2014 Edition Asclepias curassavica Family: Asclepiadaceae (Also known as Blood-flower, Butterfly Weed, Scarlet Milkweed, Tropical Milkweed, Swallow-Wort, Red Cottonweed, Indian Root or Silkweed.) If you have a Mexican Milkweed growing around your home and somewhat fluently understand butterfly (and what self-respecting gardener doesn’t!) you have probably heard visiting Monarch’s enthusiastically exclaim, “Yum! […]

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Making Sense of Life

By Tommy Clarkson from the March 2014 Edition These days, it often seems difficult to make sense of life, with much of what comprises it almost overwhelming us.. But, perhaps, we are remiss in failing to focus on the basic beauties of our existence all the simple things on which we should more often ably apply and employ […]

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Not the friend it purports!

By Tommy Clarkson from the March 2014 Edition (Walmart is a 250 pound playground bully) Mr. Bauer and Mr. Hampton’s small, locally owned, grocery stores, Knupp’s pharmacy, Doerr’s Mercantile, Lischevsky’s Dry Goods and the ladies clothing store called The Toggery couldn’t do it. Row’s bakery, Estes Dairy, Western Auto, the Palace Clothier, Standish Men’s Clothes, Mullin’s Furniture Store […]

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Manzanillo Sun article

Fire Flash- I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the February 2014 Edition Chlorophytum amaniense or Chlorophytum orchidantheroides, C. orchidastrum, C. filipendulum amaniense Chlorophytum orchidastrum, Chlorophytum filipendulum, Family: Anthericaceae, Liliaceae or Agavaceae (Also known as a Mandarin Plant, Fire Glory, Orange Spider Plant, Green Orange Tangerine and Sierra Leone Lily.) Introduced to the Americas not much more than a decade ago, this perennial […]

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Candlebush- I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the January 2014 Edition Senna alata Family: Fabsceae (Also known as a Candelabra Bush, Empress Candle Plant, Candletree, Christmas Candle, Emperor’s Candlesticks, Empress Candle Plant, Popcorn Senna, Candelillo, Ringworm Bush or Acapulco) Around here, for all intents and purposes, this is the veritable, “ubiquitous wild bush of magnificence” while in some other locales […]

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