Aztec Mythology

By Kirby Vickery from the April 2015 Edition I believe that Aztec mythology would be easier understood by modern people if we could get our minds wrapped around the concept that sacrifice and bloodletting were paramount in Aztec culture and that those killed for religious reasons were not looked upon as victims of anything but during their […]

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A Book Review – AZTEC

By Kirby Vickery from the March 2015 Edition I’ve discovered that when most people think of the Aztec Culture as lofty pyramids and human sacrifice to a ruling priestly society which demanded that sort of thing. It was destroyed by the Spaniards in the early part of the fifteen hundreds partially by the Conquistadores with their follow-on […]

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Manzanillo Sun article

A Letter Home

By Kirby Vickery from the September 2012 Edition Dear Dan, I hope that you enjoyed my first letter to you. I should have requested an acknowledgement but I realize that I hadn’t so I’ll not hold your responsible. From this one, however, I would like something from you to indicate you’ve read it. A discussion […]

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A Letter Home

By Kirby Vickery from the August 2012 Edition Dear Dan, You had told me on more than one occasion that you feel that you have missed out on a lot of things that you could have collected in other countries because of your youthful and wild ways. You told me that your Navy experiences in […]

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A little About June

 By Kirby Vickery from the June 2012 Edition I’ll bet that when you sat down to read this you thought it would be another one of those essays where the author lists out a whole bunch of things about the month and then glorifies some of the numerous happenstances which have occurred in various places. […]

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