
Action Cameras

By Terry Sovil from the November 2014 Edition The sale of simple point and shoot cameras has almost “dried up.” You won’t find much under $150.00 USD on the market anymore. The reason? More sophisticated cell phones with cameras built-in are available. There are some fine photos and videos made with phone cameras. But what if you want […]

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IMPORTS: You, Your Family, Your Car, Your RV and the Baby’s Hemi-Powered Tricyle

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the November 2014 Edition  Personally, if you’re bringing an RV, regardless of class, into Mexico, then you have to be a little braver than most. I would recommend some long-term planning, correspondence, and reservations before you leave and while on the trip make sure your stops are within easy travel range from […]

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Get Off Your Butts

By Suzanne A. Marshall from the November 2014 Edition Yep. That’s the latest ground breaking health advice. Just stand up! I say, if it’s that easy maybe we should do it more! Many of us have crawled through a number of knotholes backwards anyway, such as quitting smoking; getting off sugar and carbohydrates; cutting the fat; lowering our […]

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I Planted Roots in Mexico – Oyster Plant

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the November 2014 Edition Tradescantia spathacea or pallida ‘Purpea’, Rhoea spathacea, or Rhoea discolor Family: Commelinaceae (Also known as Moses-in-the-Boat, Moses-in-the-Cradle, Moses-inthe-Basket, Moses-in-the-Bulrushes, Boatlily and the ever popular  Purple Leafed Spiderwort.) (This plant should not be confused with Acanthus molli, or Acanthus spinosus – Bear’s Breeches or the Scolymus hispanicus Spanish Oyster […]

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Manzanillo Sun article

Understanding Adjusted vs. Unadjusted Returns

By Yann Kostic from the November 2014 Edition You’ve probably noticed that your mutual fund account statement shows two sets of figures for average annual total returns: one is adjusted and the other, unadjusted. What does this mean? Unadjusted performance figures: Unadjusted performance figures show the performance of a fund during the time periods indicated, taking into account changes […]

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Cursing Cursive

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the October 2014 Edition From a Cleveland, Ohio, suburb a High School teacher complained about having to put tests and lessons on the blackboard in print rather than in cursive, also known as: longhand, script, joined-up writing, joint writing, running writing, or handwriting (as pulled right out of Wikipedia) to which I […]

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