
Tonalá, for seriously great shopping!

By Suzanne A. Marshall from the October 2016 Edition There exists a fascinating and exciting manufacturing district on the outskirts of Guadalajara, Jalisco. It’s named Tonalá. I use the word fascinating because you’ve likely never seen anything like it elsewhere. And I say exciting because the pricing is such a bargain you think you’ve died […]

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Day of the Dead – Mexico’s Cultural Heritage

By Ruth Hazlewood from the October 2016 Edition Most of us, when we think of Day of the Dead, think of those elaborate skeleton figures (Catrinas) and perhaps the image of people sitting around gravestones by candlelight, but what is the significance of this tradition in Mexico? Many different cultures celebrate their dead, and despite […]

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Should you invest in stocks in retirement?

By Yann Kostic from the October 2016 Edition Financial advisers often recommend that their clients maintain some of their savings in stocks, even after retirement. But is the risk worth it? Retirees living comfortably on income from Social Security, pensions, and bonds may think it’s crazy to take on the anxiety that comes with fluctuating […]

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Pandora’s Promise

By Suzanne A. Marshall from the October 2016 Edition Featuring: Mark Lynus, Michael Shellenberger, Stewart Brand, Richard Rhodes, Weyneth Cravens Director: Robert Stone “A feature-length documentary about the history and future of nuclear power. The film explores how and why mankind’s most feared and controversial technological discovery is now passionately embraced by many of those […]

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