
Mexican Sunflower -I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson on the March 2021 Edition Mexican Sunflower Tithonia rotundifolia Family Asteraceae   Also known as Goldflower of the Incas, Red Sunflower or Mexican Marigold (Inasmuch as most of my regular readers and garden visitors know that, in fact, I was just an old Midwest US kid who enjoys rootin’ in the dirt, I’m […]

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Combatting Covid With Crowdfunding

By John Chalmers on the March 2021 Edition Among the many operations in the Manzanillo area that have suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are community-related and charitable organizations. One such example is the Santiago Foundation, which operates two Learning Centers to give children and adults alike a leg up with the many opportunities […]

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Mexican Heather – I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson on the February 2021 Edition Mexican Heather Cuphea hyssopifolia Family Lythraceae Also known as False Heather, Mexican False Heather, Hawaiian Heather, Artificial Heather, Elfin Plant, Elfin Shrub, Elfin Herb, Clammy Cuphea or Corail For whatever reason – other than it does sorta’ resemble it at first glance – I always think of the […]

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Identifying Palm Species – I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson on the February 2021 Edition Identifying Palm Species With well over 2,400 different species of palm trees known to exist, it’s no wonder that some folks become a bit confused when trying to determine the type they see or seek. But, in endeavoring to do so, it will help if you keep in […]

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Coping with COVID at Casa Hogar

By John Chalmers on the February 2021 Edition One type of organization that has suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is non-profit charitable operations that have cancelled vital fundraising special events. They are essential to generating income needed to keep an operation going. In the Manzanillo area, one such event that was cancelled in […]

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