
At the Movies

 By Suzanne A. Marshall from the December 2018 Edition Bohemian Rhapsody Directed by:       Brian Singer Starring:   Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee,    Ben Hardy, Joseph Mazzello, Aiden Gillen,                        Allan Leech, Tom Hollander, Mike Myers “A chronicle of the years leading up to Queen’s legendary appearance at the live Aid Concert (1985)”, the […]

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White Mandevilla-I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson from the December 2018 Edition Mandevilla Boliviensis  Family: Apocynaceae   Also known as: Mexican Love Vine or White Dipladenia  Many are familiar with the red or pink Mandevilla, but, for whatever reason, there doesn’t seem to be as much recognition or discussion on the wonderful white ones. Ours thrive from a faux (fiberglass) […]

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Hybrid Glory Bower Vine-I Planted Roots in Mexico

   By Tommy Clarkson from the December 2018 Edition                 Hybrid Glory Bower Vine Clerodendrum x speciosum  Family: Lamiaceae  Also known as: Clerodendrom Vine  (Before we go one word further, if you’ve read and remember what I wrote about the Bleeding Heart (Clerodendrom thomsoniae) in volume I of this series, you already know over 90% […]

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