
The Jaguar (Báalam) and The Skunk (Zorrino) A Mayan Folktale

By Kirby Vickery on the September 2019 Edition A lady Zorrino (Skunk) had a small son named Tak Zóachil, which he shortened to ‘Tak’, and an even smaller daughter named Ti’ Tu’. As luck would have it, this young skunk was baptized by his mother’s good friend and compadre, a gentleman Báalam (Jaguar). One day, it […]

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Devil’s Backbone -I Planted Roots in Mexico

By Tommy Clarkson on the September 2019 Edition Family                   Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Variegatus’ Also known as  Zig-Zag Plant, Christmas Candle,Redbird Cactus, Japanese Poinsettia, Slipper Spurge or Slipper Flower One seldom encounters plants with multiple names as diverse in their inferred representation/description! Those familiar with me are well aware of my great appreciation for the patient friendship and […]

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Mexican Independence – ¡Viva México!

By Citizenship series on the September 2019 Edition The Mexican struggle for independence began with the Grito de Dolores (Cry of Dolores). In September of 1810, Miguel Hidalgo, the parish priest of the small town of Dolores in central Mexico, uttered the country’s cry for independence. He called not only for liberation from Spain, but also for […]

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The Loudest Voice – At the Movies

By Suzanne A. Marshall on the September 2019 Edition Directed By : Kari Skogland (3 episodes); Jeremy Podeswa (2 episodes); Scott Burns (1 episode) and Stephen Frears (1 episode) Starring : Russell Crowe, Sienna Miller, Seth McFarlane, Annabelle Wallis, Naomi Watts and others… “Based on the best-selling book, ‘The Loudest Voice’, by Gabriel Sherman, TV executive […]

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Manzanillo Sun

How to Leave IRA Assets to a Beneficiary

By Yann Kostic on the August 2019 Edition If the income from your individual retirement accounts (IRAs) turns out to be more than you actually require in retirement, and you’re looking for ways to pass on some or all of your IRA assets to your heirs, you’ll need to make some choices. The first required minimum distribution […]

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