
Office Bytes

By Vivian Molick from the October 2012 Edition Underlining with a Little ‘Zing’ in MS Word When you’re creating a document in Word and wished there was something with a little more zing than the typical ‘bold, italic or underlining’ to jazz things up a bit, what is there to do? I use Word for […]

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Comala Coffee

By Kirby Vickery & Freda Rumford from the October 2012 Edition BACK AT THE RANCH There are two major Haciendas and many smaller growers of coffee in the Comala area. The Hacienda San Antonio nestles in the shadow of the Volcan de Fuego. The 1913 eruption of the Volcan de Fuego was particularly violent and threatened […]

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Fitness and Health

By Karen Trom from the October 2012 Edition Why Isn’t My Workout Working?   I recently received an e-mail from a reader who has made some good choices but is getting frustrated that she isn’t seeing big changes. We talked a bit about what she has been doing and decided that while she is on […]

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